Welcome to tumaini fund channel islands
Working for the Widows and Orphans of Tanzania
“Tumaini” is Swahili for hope and The Tumaini Fund is a Christian charity working to bring hope to the orphans of Kagera. Many will go to sleep tonight, on the ground, with no food in their stomach, no decent shelter and no chance of education.
In Kagera, north-west Tanzania we are supporting 100,000 orphans. Most were orphaned due to AIDS, which exploded in this area at the time of the genocides in Rwanda and Burundi.
Come and join us in this mission. Help us to take Jesus’ hope to the orphans of Kagera.
Jesus’ brother James wrote:
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” – James 1:27
Dr Susan Wilson, MBE
Chairman of The Tumaini Fund
The Tumaini Fund Channel Islands seeks to provide help to 100,000 children in Tanzania, one of the poorest countries in Africa. 100% of every financial donation made will go to Kagera to support the widows and orphans.
There are plenty of ways you can get involved and they don't all involve going on a trip to Africa! Explore how your skills or unused items can be used to help the widows and orphans in Tanzania.

To support widows and orphans in the Regions of Kagera and Geita in north-west Tanzania towards independent existence, by improving standards of living and promoting health and education.